Dorthe Løfberg Kunze
Born in Copenhagen , Denmark . The interest in painting and art took place in Munich , Germany where I lived for about 13 years. Munich is a metropole of Art and the cradle of German Expressionism, a style with which I am very wrapped up. Took private lessons in oil painting here which later was followed up by a two-year education in Visual Arts at Neue Kunstschule, Zürich, Switzerland. In Denmark the skill was supplemented with lessons in landscape painting and portraits at the artists Ulrik Hoff and Pia Fonnesbech, respectively. In continuation of this a Master of Art was taken at the University of Copenhagen where the thesis on a specially studied subject was – formerly as today - the lacking interest in womens´ art.
During the years I have participated in various exhibitions partly by Kunstnersammenslutningen K21 and partly by myself, i.e. in “Store Peders Hus” in Pederstrup, the regional museum of Ballerup, in the Kulturhus Nordvest, in the Valby Kulturhus, in the Valby Kunstforening, in the church of Aalholm, at the Studenternes Galleri at the Royal Library, in the Gule Hus, Frederiksberg.
The work with the visual art is for me a possibility to express feelings, thoughts and ideas which otherwise might not be worked up. Thus the atmosphere or spirit of a place or the sweets of a flower can make me so enthusiastic that I immediately reach for my sketchbook and colours to perpetuate the impression. In the same way with the portrait where a glance, an attitude or a gesture can catch my attention so much that I here see an angle of incidence to the understanding of the personality of the portrayed person. Preferably, I work with an abstract expression without real themes. It is, of course, an easy way to exercise as it neither requires a subject nor a model but can take place inside one´s head. Thus, it becomes a play with forms and colours which throughout makes demand on one´s imagination and capability of changing the existing state of things.